Wednesday, July 7, 2010

NBA Insider?

by: the Admiral

ESPN NBA Insider Chris Broussard (pictured above) is the reporter that broke the huge “story” that NBA free agent Lebron James would be announcing which team will have the privilege of signing him in a 1-hour ESPN special aptly named, “The Decision.” Apparently, the credentials to be an NBA Insider must have come down in recent years; Broussard didn’t tell us where Lebron is going, or even how he is leaning; he BROKE the story that Lebron will be making a decision. I knew that, but I’m not calling myself an NBA Insider.

The Admiral was wondering how Lebron plans on filling an hour of airtime. Even if you let the owners of the Knicks, Nets, Bulls, Cavaliers, Heat, and Clippers come on air to state their cases in a “Flavor of Love”-style elimination round, there are still 48 minutes to fill. So unless I missed the AP wire report that ESPN & Lebron have brought the Miz out of retirement in order to host a Road Rules/Real World type challenge to decide Lebron’s future there is going to be a lot of filler.

As a Pop Culture Insider, the Admiral has been privy to production notes for “The Decision” and while sworn to secrecy on the Lebron decision we will be highlighting the 8 minutes between 9:32 & 9:40. This 8 minutes is for a mini-special called “Chris Brouusard – The Decision.” This is where the mixed-race Brouusard decides whether to live the rest of his life as a nerdy, preppy black guy or a really cool white dude. After making the announcement he will decide between the two guys pictured below (Jamal & Trent) and announce his new best friend. The Admiral spoke to Monday Money Lines and the odds on favorite is that if Broussard chooses 'black' he is leaning towards Jamal because he ‘doesn’t want to be Trent’s only black friend.’

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