Friday, June 18, 2010

Some Lucky Lady Finally Corrals David Silver

Love is in the Air, but not the ability to act . . . OMG DBSF can be soooo, so bitchy sometimes.

US Weekly has announced that--yes--David (pardon him, DBSF means Brian Austin Green) and Megan Fox have announced their re-engagement (in 2007 they took their first stab at it). Fox, who is a thespian as much as BP is a Gulf Coast environmental conservancy, took a stab at humor in stating that "It's going to be years [before she gets married]!I'm going to be 44 when I get married!" DBSF relationship advice to Ms. Fox--demand for your stronger assets are likely inversely related to age. Waiting until 44 will secure you little more than some low-grade, hard-core fetish porn assistant producer for a husband.

In other news, Brian Austin Green has officially f***ed every single woman in Hollywood.


  1. Megan Fox Graduates!! Megan Fox Graduates!!

    I heard Megan Fox pulled a Donna Martin and has not put out for B.A.G. She did however blow Steve Sanders in his new Corvette.

    PS. B.A.G. in fine fodder for DBSF, but if you blog one word about Shannon Daughtery (aka Brenda Walsh. aka, the one that got away) I will have an immense Chinese regime based denial-of-service attack shut down your blog for 10,000 years. It will be the Chernobyl of the World Wide Intraweb.

  2. Brenda Walsh is in Freddy Adu/ Bob Golic territory for DBSF. Their magnificence supercedes any possibility of critical attack.
