"The big thing for me is not giving too much information away . . ." Huh? "I'm not at liberty to talk about it . . ." Really? "but, there's a huge possibility about me going to China or me going overseas to play basketball." Bombshell. There it is. But, DBSF even did some editing to build excitement. Dwight's actual quote went "I'm not at liberty to talk about it, but there's a huge possibility about me going to China or me going overseas to play basketball." DBSF is so appreciative that despite not being at liberty to discuss the matter that immediately following--in the same sentence--he 100%, dead-on, was in fact at liberty and willing to pretty much give away all information.
At the same time, some folks seem to be getting worked up that James Harrison insulted NFL commissioner Roger Goodell, his teammate QB Ben Roethlisberger, fascism, neo-fascism, opponents of childhood obesity, the cast and crew of Blossom, linux-based operating systems, diuretics, polytheism, one-year MFA programs, and a range of other unrelated--save to one James Harrison--topics/ life forms/ carbon-based matter.
Some have questioned whether or not the Goodell and the NFL should punish Harrison once the collective bargaining agreement is reached (sans CBA trash-talking and senior-year beach week amounts of pot smoking are totally kosher). DBSF's response--you gonna be the person to tell this guy he's getting fined or suspended?

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