Wednesday, October 5, 2011

NBA Players Union Meeting -- Casual Attire

When NBA leaders from the players' union convened for a photo-op on Tuesday DBSF took interest in attire. Before addressing each individual player's dress code two facts should be noted. First the meeting is at the Waldorf-Astoria--the luxurious Manhattan hotel where Paris Hilton grew-up and first encountered the adversity that made her the modern-day Horatio Algeresque beacon of American perseverance. Second, the negotiations involve billions of dollar in revenue sharing and affect hundred of professional athletes, thousands of team staffers, and millions of fans. Ipso facto--its a big deal and everyone involved probably shouldn't Eddy Curry the whole affair.

Thus, presentation--in the form of personal attire--is of consequence. Starting from the back right of the picture we see that Matt Bonner and Ben Gordon go coat and tie--very appropriate. Following the back row next comes Paul Pierce, who went with a golf polo t. Paul should've gone button down, or at least not worn the white undershirt but let's assume there was some confusion with luggage and it was all he had. Staying on the back row we end with DWade and LeBron both of whom sport the Euro-fashionista look. Nothing wrong with that, at least LeBron didn't wear one of those heavy wool cardigans with a large "LBJ" embroidered on the chest so every time DBSF sees LeBron he can't understand why LeBron is promoting Lyndon B. Johnson. (Is LeBron a fan of invading Vietnam, urban riots, and/ or manned space exploration?)

Moving to the foreground 'Melo wears a button-down but didn't have time/ desire to tuck-in his shirt. (If that's the case then Carmelo stand in the back behind LeBron--it is a photo op.) Finally--and most inexcusably--Baron Davis goes Biebermania with the fitted flannel shirt, fashionably black, thick-framed glasses, and a wool hat--indoors. Basically, DBSF is all acting like somebody's pinching DBSF's titties because Davis decides to go black-guy-version-of-where's-Waldo when he should have at least stepped it up to business casual.


  1. melo looks like he's been on one like "maaaaan where the fuck my glasse.....oh hold up there they go"

  2. 'Melo thought "Player's Union" was a club. Waaayyyyy pissed off when he got on stage and learned it was all about labor negotiations.

  3. It appears that DBSF has confused Roger Mason with Ben Gordon?!?

  4. man, Melo looks like he stole his outfit from Justin Smith's hamper. #realtalk

  5. (Note to self: Next post should discuss the eerie similarities between a short-haired Roger Mason and Ben Gordon.)

  6. Obviously LeBron reps LBJ in homage & deference to the 'Great Society' that our 36th president championed, which aimed to strengthen civil rights, education, medicaid & other issues of critical importance to poor - and especially, black - communities, and which - given the extremely contentious era in which they took place - took a great deal of bravery for a Southern white to advocate so strongly. Duh...

  7. Also DBSF - please note that LBJ did not invade Vietnam...
